Feedback from parents about their experience of Hunsdon House
What do parents say about us?
Here are some excerpts from letters received from parents of Hunsdon House children…….
Hunsdon House is a magical place. As a young mother with a boisterous 3-year-old boy I wanted to find a suitable nursery for him for when he was ready and needed more adventures away from home, for the opportunity to learn and play with other children his age, to become a little more independent himself and for me to have a little time alone with his baby sister! From the moment we entered the tranquil setting of Hunsdon House, with their lovely garden and purpose-built nursery house I knew we had found our children’s second oasis. F was a mile-a-minute boy; inquisitive, fearless, and raring to go at every waking moment. I was worried that he would prove too disruptive in a classroom setting but he was guided so well, with such patience and kindness and polite manners. He was allowed to play with anything he asked for and learnt that so long as he requested for it politely and helped to pack it away afterwards it was usually allowed! I must admit to not relenting to every request at home as the house quickly became a mess if I gave him everything he asked for, and I got frustrated with the chaos and the constant clear up when he moved from one toy or activity request to the next. I learnt from the staff how to implement simple house rules, insist on good manners with ‘Please’ and ‘Thank-you’s, and to pack away after the play has finished. I also learnt that less is more with children and the more he had on offer the less he played properly with one thing and the more skippy and unconcentrated he would be. Given just one thing at a time led to lovely calm and constructive play, be it a train set, a jigsaw puzzle or painting. F loved his nursery. He knew he could do anything he asked for and it was heartwarming to watch him packing things away with the other children when the time was called. I learnt my craft of motherhood and how to raise happy and contented children who were lovely to have around; who were thoughtful and aware of their surroundings and of other people and their feelings too. F’s little sister joined him when she was older, in fact all his 5 little sisters joined the nursery over the following 12 years and not only was it a lovely gentle beginning for them but it was also an education for me and my husband with always much fun, joy, peacefulness and creativity. Helle and her staff were always so kind and reassured me that his great energy could be harnessed and focused, and so together almost 20 years ago our journey together began that laid the foundations for our family life which was complementary and consistent with each other. The children all left the nursery aged 5 years as I saw no reason to disturb their equilibrium by sending them too early to primary school. At Hunsdon House they were allowed to progress at their own pace and were gently tutored to meet the next level of learning in a very nurturing environment during the special afternoon sessions, which meant they were totally ready and able to meet the demands of primary school setting. As a parent I am incredibly grateful to the passionate, compassionate and dedicated Helle Angeleri.
Sophie Bale, Oxford UK
“We are so grateful for all the support you have given to our family over the last few years. Both of our children are thriving in the Hunsdon House setting under your direction. The love that you have for your work, the patience, the energy, the quiet determination and mindfulness to give the children the best possible childhood dream experience, shines through all that you do. The reassurance, support, suggestions that you make, are made with the same values, and you transform lives. I’m sending you warmth and light, hugs and human connection, which you offer out freely to all. Thank you for the amazing world you have created at Hunsdon House” (K, UK)
”We would like to thank you so much for the wonderful time T had here. He did feel comfortable from the very first moment, and each single day was a joy for him. He loved crafting the boats and aeroplanes out of the wood and has already declared it his summer project to do with his grandpa. We appreciate how you helped him in his development, becoming the confident boy he is today, interested in joining in, doing something new, curious about everything and looking forward to the new challenges the big step of starting school will bring.” (K, Austria)
The environment at Hunsdon House often feels more like a family than a school. We found it very easy to trust the loving and caring staff and our son was happy from the start. He loves exploring the open spaces, looks forward to music day, and the garden is just magical.
Kate, Oxford UK
“Dear Hunsdon House team, you are all amazing and paramount in the shaping of lucky young children! We cannot thank you enough and we are so sad to leave”.
I was determined to find a nursery school where I wouldn’t have the feeling of ‘dumping’ my children without being certain that they felt secure and happy, cared for and happy to be left. The experienced staff at Hunsdon House have the insight and sensitivity to understand children from a variety of backgrounds. I love the fact that they are multilingual and the children have the opportunity to benefit from this by learning songs etc. in other languages. The focus on creative learning and the beautiful outdoor space enhances the children’s experience and makes it truly special. All my three children, started out their early education at Hunsdon House. This has made all the difference in their lives…Thank you!
Our four children, now aged 18 to 22, went to Hunsdon House from age 2 to 6. I come originally from Germany, and I am a professor at the University. These days, I spend some of my time in East Africa for work. My husband is French and used to work abroad a lot when the children were young. It was really important to us that they were introduced to a multicultural education early on in their life. This goes far beyond simply learning the language, but is also about socialising, loving diversity, experiencing different ways of playing, thinking and of expressing feelings through music, painting and acting. For me, it was also really important that they could run around freely yet protected in the garden and exercise their little bodies, feel nature and eat healthy. Hunsdon House helped us to lay the foundations for our children’s future. They have all successfully undertaken the European Baccalaureate at the Europa School and speak English, German and French to a high standard. All four are pursuing academic bachelor degrees at Russell universities, have travelled the world, play at least one music instrument and love the arts and sports. They have grown into rounded personalities. Hunsdon house played a very significant part in their development, and we will always be grateful.
Anna Schuh, from Germany
”Many thanks for the gentle environment you have created at Hunsdon House, which has provided our daughter with many opportunities to play, develop her confidence and learn about friendship.”
“Thank you for the last 2 years that L has spent with you at Hunsdon House. She has blossomed in all areas - socially, emotionally, academically. We love the way that you all work, with the emphasis on creative learning, nature and nurturing.” (K, Oxford)
“You have created a truly unique and wonderful place for my children to learn and grow, and we pray that the lessons they have been taught and the kindness they have been shown will stay with them as they grow.”
Our daughter spent two very happy years at Hunsdon House. I cannot recommend the nursery highly enough! It is a very special place, providing young children with a nurturing and safe space in which to grow and explore. Headed by Helle and her daughter Georgia, the staff at the nursery are excellent and will quickly make new children feel welcome and at home. The creative activities and outdoor curriculum were both things that our daughter loved, and we feel have been very important for her educational development. The amazing garden is an added extra that children will love exploring in the summertime!
Sam, Oxford UK
“Dear all the fantastic staff at Hunsdon House, Thank you for looking after D. so well over the past 6 months. Hunsdon House is the most magical place. You have created such a calm, happy and inspiring atmosphere. D has been so lucky to be part of your nursery.”
(E, Hungary)
“Thank you for the lovely Mothers’ Tea and Cake last Wednesday. It was such a treat to be at Hunsdon House and see G. playing happily in the garden. I really appreciated time to sit in the garden with a cup of tea and delicious apple cake.” (S & K, UK)
“I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you… for the love and care you’ve shown to J. over the last few months. He’s really blossomed and is growing into a confident happy big boy.”
”Thank you all so much for helping G to have such a happy time playing and learning and meeting new friends while he has been at Hunsdon House. You know we are hugely grateful that he has been able to be at Hunsdon like (our daughter) A. It is such a special time when they are away from home for the first time, and you have helped him to manage that transition. Thank you also for the recent parenting course, which has been wonderful.” (S, UK)
When it was time to look for a nursery school for my eldest son, I was determined to find somewhere very special. I didn't want to leave my son in the care of others without being certain that he felt secure and happy, cared for and content to be left. The experienced staff at Hunsdon House are exceptional. They have the insight and sensitivity to understand children from a variety of backgrounds. I love the fact that they are multilingual and that the children have the opportunity to benefit from this by learning songs, etc. in other languages. The focus on creative learning and the beautiful outdoor space enhances the children’s experience and makes it truly wonderful. All my three children, started out their early education at Hunsdon House. This has made all the difference in their lives…Thank you!
Juliette Willman
Our family joined the Hunsdon House Community over ten years ago when our eldest son was two and a half years old and had started strongly objecting to being taken to his (very convenient) day care nursery. I started searching for an alternative, came across the Hunsdon House website and soon followed up with a visit. The nursery felt warm and welcoming and full of natural light. We later learned it had been purpose built in 1920 to enable small children to see out of the low-level windows into the garden and enable easy access to the outside space in summer. The garden itself was a perfect place for children to explore with winding paths and hidden nooks and crannies amongst the flowers – though not so big that they might get lost! The settling in process was very gradual and spread over several visits and I was encouraged to stay for as long as I felt my child, and I, needed. Both our two boys loved their time at Hunsdon house and still have fond memories of baking bread on Fridays, trying their hand at weaving wool and enjoying crafts and making beautiful things for the Christmas market. They also had great fun playing in the garden with friends and sliding down the fireman’s pole from the climbing frame. The natural world and the seasons were strong themes in many of the activities as was music and there were several musical instrument workshops run by musicians. The Hunsdon house day is relatively short which suits children very well but as working parents, this was a challenge, but our children chose Hunsdon House, and we adapted our hours to make it work. Hunsdon House was such a special time for the boys, and we really couldn’t imagine a better nursery school experience for them.
Pippa, Oxford UK
”Thank you very much for giving us a chance to join your nursery. You helped us so much. I am so impressed your kind behaviour towards children. You always respect children and try to set them on the right path. And also I like your art education. We will never forget Hunsdon House. This experience will be hope for my son’s future”. (Mieko, Japan)
”Thank you for the love and care you have shown to A. during his two years at Hunsdon House. He has loved his time with you and you have worked to give him a secure foundation in his young life. Thank you for all the interesting activities you have arranged for him, especially the beautiful crafts. It has provided a peaceful oasis in an otherwise busy world. We are very grateful to you all, and we know that A will take with him many precious memories!” (R, UK)
”Thank you so much for all your kindness and dedication over the year. A. has loved his time at Hunsdon House, and it has been an exceptional experience that will enrich him and be a part of what is the essence of him.” (U.K.)
”Thank you so much for the wonderful care and inspiring environment you have given R. at Hunsdon House. We will miss being part of the HH family”. (S, UK)
”We are sad to be saying goodbye to Hunsdon House as J. is leaving, but we are so glad that J. and A. both spent two very happy years with you all. We will always be grateful for the way you took care of them, the kindness you showed and all that you have taught them. You have helped to give them such positive first experiences and learning that will be a foundation for their future lives”. (L, UK)
“Thank you for your beautiful work. My son A. loved his time with you.” (R, Italy)
”Thank you so much for all you have been doing for all your kindness, gentleness, patience, wisdom, care and nurturing that have meant that my A. has had a wonderful time at HH. This has been such a positive time for her and for us, to know that she’s been looked after so well has been wonderful”. (S, UK)
“Our very great thanks for the wonderful start you have given E. and A. to their school career. The two years they have spent at Hunsdon House have been a huge blessing to the girls, and it has been a real pleasure to see them blossom under the nurturing care of you and your team. Thank you for finding places for E. and A. when I was struggling with a risky pregnancy. Thank you for the gentle way you encouraged them to settle in, and for all the opportunities you have given them to be creative, to learn new skills and to enjoy the outdoors. And thank you for helping them to value a calm, respectful environment, and for the Christian guidance and example you have provided. The girls will be very sad to leave Hunsdon House, but will take with them many special memories. We look forward to J. starting with you next Summer. (T, UK)
Thank you so very much for taking such wonderful care of E. at Hunsdon House. She has enjoyed the nurturing, vibrant environment, had many great experiences and developed many rich friendships. She will miss you all. (H, UK)
Thank you so much for the beautiful St Martin’s lantern procession this evening, it was really delightful. Thank you for all the effort you have put in to help the children make lanterns and to learn about the importance of helping those in need, as St Martin did. (S, UK)
Teacher Report Card: Inspiration: A+. Commitment: A+. Dedication: A+. Patience: 200% (B, Uganda)