Our Garden School is a true Kindergarten. The children treasure their time outdoors exploring and discovering in our large beautiful wooded garden. Following Steiner principles, we allow the children to learn from nature as they play.
We love to facilitate these little adventures, whether gleefully observing a mud pie bakery in full swing, peeping at a forest family setting up home amougst the bushes or supervising a grand experiment to create a flowing river in a gully!
Their water experiment created such excitement and discovery for the children. At one point an unlucky snail accidentally fell in the river and had to be rescued!
It was interesting to watch the progression from sending water flowing down the ‘river’ to wanting to ‘make boats out of Nature’ with leaves and walnut shells, and then starting a mud pie bakery on the river bank to provide for the Queen’s birthday party! We even found a handy ‘candle shop’ nearby and used poppy seed heads and flowers for birthday candles….
Games of Hide & Seek are one of the children’s favourite garden activities, with so many interesting places to hide! The garden is one of our most beloved resources and is like a magical hidden world away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
We have also been taking advantage of the fresh air and sunshine to hold activities and story sessions under the trees, letting the summer breeze blow away any germs while enjoying our time together.